Classification of Rafflesia arnoldii

Rafflesia arnoldii

Rafflesia arnoldii is a name of giant flower in Indonesia that famous with this smell is unfragrant. Many people that said this flower is often same with bunga bangkai but, in reality this flower is different with bunga bangkai. The shape is different although this size is same. Rafflesia arnoldii flower is the biggest parasite plant in the world.
This kind of flower grow in a spread plant network liana tetrastigma and doesn't have leaves and make this flower can't take photosynthesis process. The name of this flower is can't far from the history of this flower, this flower first invented in 1818 in tropical forest in Bengkulu, Sumatera Island in a place that near with manna river, Lubuk Tapi, South Bengkulu Regency, so making Bengkulu famous in the world as the land of rafflesia arnoldii. A tour guide working with dr. Joseph Arnold itself this time  join Expedition that leading Of thomas Stamford raffles so the called of the flower from combination between the name of Thomas Sanford raffles as a Expedition leader and dr. Joseph Arnold as a founder of the flower. This flower is endemic plant in a Sumatra Island especially in South area  like bengkulu, jambi, and South Sumatra.
National plant in Kerinci seblat as a conservation area this species of the flower. This kind of flowers, same with genus member of another rafflesia, is dangerous because of the denudation of the forest. In the Java Island, only one kind of this flower can growing up, this is rafflesia padma. Rafflesia Arnoldii is a parasite that doesn’t has root, doesn’t have leaves and doesn't have stalk or steam this flower has a diameter one mitter and also has a weight at least 11 kilograms this kind of flower absorb good nutrition from nurse Maid plant that called with tetrastigma. this flower is not long life , only in 5 until 7 days and after that this weather and die so the conclusion is Rafflesia arnoldii flower not only with name of arnoldi the founder, it's combination between arnoldi and Thomas Stamford raffles.

Title                                            :  Rafflesia Arnoldi

General classification               : Rafflesia RafflesiaArnoldi as otherspecies are obligate parasites of plants. He grew up in the stemlianas (vines) from thegenus Tetrastigma.Arnoldii Rafflesia have no leaves so thatphotosynthesis can not afford her own.

-          Body                         :

RafflesiaArnoldi flower(Rafflesia arnoldii) has a flower with 5 petalswide. When the bloomof this flower can reacha diameter of between70-110 cm in heightreached 50 cm andweight reached 11 kg.

-          Habitat                     :

KerinciSeblat National Park (TNKS), South Bukit Barisan National Park (TNBBS), ElephantTraining Center (PLG)Seblat (North Bengkuludistrict), and thePadang District JarKaur.

-          Distribution              : Sumatera, Bengkulu

-          Conservation           : South Bukit BarisanNational Park

-          Kingdom                  : Plantae

-          Division                    : Magnoliophyta

-          Class                         : Magnoliopsida

-          Order                        : Malpighiales

-          Family                      : Rafflesiaceae

-          Genus                       : Rafflesia

-          Species                      : Rafflesia arnoldii

-          Synonyms                 : Rafflesia titan



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