Famous Place in Bandung

Braga Street

  Bandung is the capital of West Java. It has 2.395.000 of population. Bandung known as Paris Van Java because Bandung has a lot of clothing products, beside that Bandung known as Kota Kembang too because people say Bandung has a lot of beautiful women. Bandung has popular foods like martabak, peuyeum, and bandrek. Bandung has a famous place called Braga Street. Let's start to describe Braga Street.

   Braga is one of the famous place in Bandung. It's the main street in Bandung since the Dutch government, until now Braga still maintained as a mascot of Bandung. Braga can be a famous place because it has many vintage buildings. The buildings are mostly used for cafe because there are many tourists visit that place, so if the tourists feel hungry they can eat and enjoy the view there. Not only for eating, Braga can be use for taking some picture because it has good views. A long the side walk at Braga Street, many people sell their painting like animal painting and a beautiful view of a village. Beside that, they also sell handycraft too. I like to go there because of the good spot and sometimes I like to eat and hangout at one of the cafe, the food is delicious and the price is affordable. You can visit Braga Street with your friend or family.


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