Suggestions and Offers


My name is Sandra. I’m a student of the 11th graders. Every year we have an activity that called Tur Budaya. As the class representative, I go to the tour and travel agent to ask them for any suggestions. What we want is a tour that we can study cultures or history, all at once, for a holiday. I’m going to visit the tour agent Mrs. Jennie, who had promised to meet.

*At the Tour and Travel Agent*

Mrs. Jennie : “Hello, good afternoon!, what is your name?”
Sandra        : “Hello, good afternoon! My name is Sandra, from 3 Senior High School! I was made promise to meet with Mrs. Jennie here.”
Mrs. Jennie : “Hello Sandra! It’s me. May I help you?” (giving offer)
Sandra        : “Oh, hello Mrs. Jennie! Our class will hold an activity. The activity is also called Tur Budaya. Do you have any suggestions for the destinations we can visit?(asking for a suggestion)
Mrs. Jennie : “Yes i do! There are many destinations for Tur Budaya in Indonesia, but we can offer you between Yogyakarta and Bali.” 
Sandra        : “What is the special about those two places?”
Mrs. Jennie : “In Yogyakarta we can learn culture by visit temples, we also can visit a place called Malioboro street there are a lot of handycraft made by local people are sold there, and don’t to visit Keraton Yogyakarta is a palace that’s still inhabited by the sultan with his family. For fun, we can go to Parangtritis Beach and Lawang Cave that has the beautiful scenery. In Bali, We can offer you a Tour Budaya to many beautiful Puras, Kampung Langit which’s we can learn Bali culture, traditional Balinese dance performances in Batu Bulan, and at Trunyan Village we can see the people who died, their body placed under the Trunyan tree without being buried which we can’t see in any other places and of course for leisure we can find so many beautiful beaches and outdoor activities. Those are the two most visited places for school tours. But for the suggestion, I prefer Bali because lots of education and fun vacation spots.(giving suggestion)
Sandra        : “Wow... It’s so impressive Miss, can’t wait to tell the others about it. Thanks for the suggestion Miss, I’ll let you know as soon as possible for which destination will be visited for out Tur Budaya.” (accepting suggestions)
Mrs. Jennie : “You’re welcome Sandra! I’ll waiting for the news.”
Sandra        : “See you later Mrs. Jennie!”
Mrs. Jennie : “See you!”


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